Ice Cream for Dogs - Fruits Of The Forest

Are you like me, trying to think up fun ways to help keep our dogs cool in this increasingly hot weather?

You may remember a few years back a lovely client called Jeremy shared with me his recipes for making lovely Bobby some dog friendly Ice Cream.
We have put it together for you to have a go yourself. You can also see a different recipe in my blog for Peanut & Banana! and don’t forget to tag me on instagram with your creations @olijustedogtrainer. I love to see what you’re up to with your furry friends.

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As with all treats for your dog they should always be supervised when eating and try in small amounts as part of a balanced diet. You are the only person that knows your dog best.
Let us know if you try this out and if you have recipes of your own or any other dog cooling ideas you would like to share below.

Why not try freezing it in a KONG…

Classic Kong

From £5.50

Kong Goodie Bone-Extreme - Black.png

Kong Goodie Bone Extreme

Large £12.99

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Goodie Ribbon



Extreme Kong

From £8.50