Dog Shaming...are they really guilty?

The Most Harmful Misconception In Dog Body Language… Guilt!!

In my opinion one the the biggest miscommunications between dogs and humans, and potentially the most harmful too, is the impression we can recognise “that guilty look” in our dogs when we "catch them” after having done something they shouldn’t have done.

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5 Central London Dog-Friendly Shops

Sometimes it feels like london isn't such a dog friendly city, especially when it comes to doing everyday things such as shopping, but here are a few shops that welcome our best friends as long as they are on their best behaviour, and why wouldn't they be?! Over time I'll let you know about other dog friendly places but here are 5 to start us off...

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Dealing With Fear In Dogs

We too often assume that dogs can think and feel as we do, but they don’t. Dogs don’t think Right vs. Wrong, they think Safe vs. Dangerous, and so if something feels unsafe to them (scary), they will defend themselves, try to get that scary thing to move away, or at least move away from the situation......

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Park Do's & Don'ts

Socialising your puppy is vital, and the only place you can really do that effectively is the Dog Park. One hour a week during puppy class is not enough, you have to get out there. I am still coming across cases where the dogs amount of socialisation and exercise is a key factor in moving forward with any behavioural problems they may have.

Ideally, the park would be...

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