Dog Shaming...are they really guilty?

The Most Harmful Misconception In Dog Body Language… Guilt!!

In my opinion one the the biggest miscommunications between dogs and humans, and potentially the most harmful too, is the impression we can recognise “that guilty look” in our dogs when we "catch them” after having done something they shouldn’t have done.

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Keeping Your Canine Fit

Why keeping fit is just as important for your canine companion.
We all know that we should keep on top of our fitness regimes to reap the many health and wellbeing benefits of exercise, but did you know that there are just as many perks for your pet pooch?  
Not only do regular walkies help with weight control and socialisation, but exercising your dog also offers a plethora of behavioural rewards, like building trust and preventing destructive and attention-seeking tendencies.

Want to branch out a bit and try some more creative canine activities?...

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Dealing With Fear In Dogs

We too often assume that dogs can think and feel as we do, but they don’t. Dogs don’t think Right vs. Wrong, they think Safe vs. Dangerous, and so if something feels unsafe to them (scary), they will defend themselves, try to get that scary thing to move away, or at least move away from the situation......

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Remember remember the 5th Of November (is coming up soon)

I know it’s still only September, but now is a good time to start thinking about how you can help your dog if he is scared of fireworks.

The Do’s:
Allow your dog to find a safe space around your home, if your dog is happy in his crate, that’s a good place to start. If it’s under the sofa, so be it. Dogs like small spaces. Make sure...

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Driving With Dogs

If your dog becomes anxious when traveling by car, he might show signs of stress such as panting, drooling or even vomiting. This is not fun for you, but even less fun for your dog. Very often the first experience a puppy has of a car journey is the day he leaves his mum and littermates; and the second, his first trip to the vet. So is it any wonder he finds stepping into this large noisy thing stressful?...

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